Debt Defense and Debt Collection Harassment

Repossession Defense

Was your vehicle repossessed?

Too often, dealerships and lenders act unlawfully when reprocessing your vehicle. You have rights and we are here to fight to protect those rights.
Illegal practices under car repossession laws in Oklahoma include:

  • Breaching the peace
  • Making threats of violence
  • Harassment
  • Breaking the agreed upon contract
  • Attempt to collect repossession fees which are not authorized or without filing a Discretionary Notice
  • Improper/late filing of a required Notices of Sale or Post-Sale Accountings
  • Selling the vehicle before the required 10 day window that the buyer has a chance to redeem  
  • Dealership’s failure to provide title in timely manner  

We have experience defending consumers against the dealership and lenders.

Credit Card Debt Defense

Struggling with Credit Card Debt? We're Here to Help.

Research on the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) conducted by the St. Louis Fed found that households headed by people with lower income are disproportionately burdened by credit card debt. Link to Which U.S. Households Have Credit Card Debt? | St. Louis Fed (  Since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, credit card delinquencies have surged beyond pre-pandemic levels.

Banks profit not only from interest charges but also from various fees such as late fees, over-limit fees, cash advance fees, insurance products, and annual fees. Moreover, debt collectors and buyers may tack on attorneys' fees, additional interest, and costs, exacerbating the financial strain on already struggling households.

Unfortunately, many individuals facing overwhelming debt surrender to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, allowing debt collectors to easily secure judgments in credit card lawsuits due to the lack of legal defense.

At the Oklahoma Consumer Law Firm, we refuse to let financial institutions, debt buyers, and collectors prey on vulnerable individuals. We are committed to fighting back against unfair practices, protecting consumers from financial exploitation, and ensuring that every case is scrutinized for potential violations of consumer protection laws. If you're facing credit card debt challenges, don't face them alone – let us advocate for your rights and help you regain control of your financial future.

Medical Debt Collection Defense

Are You Dealing with Medical Debt? Oklahoma Consumer Law Firm Can Help.

As medical debt attorneys, we’re keenly aware of the problems people face when it comes to paying their medical bills. We often hear emotional and stressful stories from people detailing how medical debt has impacted their family, their work, their ability to get credit, and their lives. 

The problem with this system is that it’s broken. Insurance companies, hospitals, doctors, and medical debt collectors all take part in a process that can end up costing people who need medical care thousands of dollars out of pocket. And worst of all, some people avoid treatment for fear of crushing medical bills.

Some common issues resulting in medical debt include:

  • Surprise medical billing - If you go to an in-network hospital, you assume that you are covered under your insurance. But an increasing number of Americans are receiving surprise medical bills for services performed in-network, but by an “out-of-network” provider. The “out-of-network” bill is usually thousands of dollars more than the in-network rate, and the insurance company refuses to pay for it.
  • Overbilling - Sometimes hospitals, doctors, and medical service companies will overbill you for “phantom” procedures, materials, or services that you either didn’t receive, were done by an out-of-network provider (after you were told you were covered), or were done without your knowledge.

Debt Collection Harassment

Facing Debt Buyer Harassment?
We've Got Your Back!

At Oklahoma Consumer Law Firm, we specialize in putting an end to debt collection harassment using the full force of the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and Oklahoma laws. Don't let false threats, inconvenient calls, or intimidating tactics intimidate you any longer. Our dedicated team of debt collection harassment attorneys is here to guide you every step of the way.  

Here's how we can help:

  • Know Your Rights: The FDCPA safeguards consumers like you from abusive practices by debt collectors. We'll arm you with the knowledge you need to defend yourself and assert your rights under the law.
  • Prohibited Behavior: From disclosing your debts to unauthorized parties to using threatening language, debt collectors must adhere to strict guidelines outlined by the FDCPA. We'll hold them accountable for any violations and ensure justice is served.
  • Legal Expertise: Our seasoned attorneys have a proven track record of successfully defending clients against debt collection harassment. Whether it's negotiating with creditors or taking legal action, we'll tailor our approach to your unique situation and fight for the best possible outcome.

Are debt buyers giving you the runaround, trying to squeeze every last penny out of you? Don't face them alone—our dedicated team of debt collection harassment attorneys is here to level the playing field and defend your rights.

Here's why you need us in your corner:

💰 Know Your Enemy: Debt buyers operate on a buy-low, collect-high model, purchasing consumer debts for a fraction of their value and then hounding you for the full amount. But with our expertise, we'll show them you're not an easy target.

🔍 Fight Back Against Lawsuits: When debt buyers resort to suing consumers to collect debts, it's time to take action. Whether it's student loans, medical bills, credit cards, or any other debt, our attorneys specialize in mounting a robust defense tailored to your specific situation.

📝 Keep a Paper Trail: If you suspect you're being harassed by a debt collector, documenting their calls and correspondence is key. Our team will help you keep a meticulous log and leverage this evidence to build a solid case against them.

From negotiating settlements to challenging unfair practices in court, we're your allies in the fight against debt buyer harassment. Don't let them bully you into submission—reach out to us today and let's put an end to the harassment together.

Private Student Loan Defense

We're Here to Help Oklahomans Reclaim Their Financial Future.

Oklahomans today are facing crippling debt due to student loans. The burden of student loan debt can affect every aspect of your life, from your financial stability to your mental well-being. We understand the profound impact that overwhelming student loan debt can have on individuals and families. That’s why we are committed to providing comprehensive legal support to help you navigate this challenging situation.

Explore Your Options with Expert Legal Guidance
We are ready to explore your options to dispute the loan or defend you if you are now being sued because of the debt. Whether you're struggling with the complexities of loan terms, facing aggressive collection actions, or dealing with the anxiety of potential litigation, our experienced legal team is here to support you every step of the way.

Client Testimonials

Contact Oklahoma Consumer Law Firm

To schedule a consultation, call our office at 405-331-5811  or use the contact form.